Crescents and Crosses
"Don't tease me baby, let's do it now." "Are you mad Hamza? Keep it in your pants!" "Sarah you are killing me....." The tuition season was in full swing as the dreaded A level exams approached nearer and nearer. Sarah was a topper of her class, and in no particular need of the Chemistry past paper session since she had already rote learned the marksheets. But Hamza generously paid her fees and also offered to pick and drop her from her home. There isn't much a horny teenager won't do to get some action. "Just drop me home and call it a day." "Acha I am sorry, let's attend the class at least." "I don't need to attend and you clearly have your mind on another type of chemistry." "Okay. Let's go to the front." Hamza's Honda Civic was parked in a secluded street near the Main Market of Gulberg. The sounds of Azaan echoed in the air as the pair of 18 year olds got out from the back seats ...